Recertification and Continuing Education


Instructors who have let their ICP "Active Instructor" status lapse for 3 or more years by not paying the ICP Annual Registration fee and have not completed requisite Continuing Education Requirements (CERs) when applicable*, must complete the requirements to reinstate their certification. 

Being “ICP Certified” means that you have joined thousands instructors around the world in an effort to promote and offer safe and effective inline skating instruction. For over 25 years the ICP has been committed to the development of skating world-wide by making our program available on 6 continents, and through it, emboldening others in the ICP spirit of “Teaching the World to Skate.”!

Maintaining an “Active Instructor” status and a listing in the ICP Global Directory is a way that instructors can demonstrate their commitment to excellence in instruction and support the ongoing efforts of the ICP to ensure quality inline skating instruction is available in communities around the world. By registering annually, keeping up with the latest in skating education, skating technology and industry offerings, the consumer is assured that they are receiving quality skating instruction. Completing the requirements of certification serves as ongoing professional development for the instructor and adds to the overall credibility of the certification program and what it means to be "ICP Certified". 

To maintain recognition as “ICP Certified”, members must maintain their certification through the payment of a nominal Annual Registration fee with the ICP, continuing education when applicable, and compliance with the ICP Instructor Code of Professional Conduct. This is required of all certified members.

 Requirements of Recertification

  • Enroll in ICP Recertification Course in the ICP Online Digital Learning Platform which includes Annual Registration for calendar year.
  • Meet Continuing Education Requirements (CERs) when required.*
  • Update your Instructor Profile in the ICP Global Instructor**
  • Comply with the ICP Code of Professional Conduct.
*Requirements (CERs) will be required for all instructors beginning in 2024. More information coming soon.
**Contact the ICP at info@inlinecertificationprogram .org for login information to YOUR ACCOUNT to update your profile for the ICP Global Instructor Directory