
Just in Time! Successful Level 1 & 2 Programs Delivered in Mexico City

certification program Mar 22, 2020

by Kris Fondran, ICP Director

Given the current state of the world around us, it is amazing that the ICP was able to finish two programs in Mexico just last weekend.

With the world and the way we operate in it changing by the moment, we were very fortunate to be able to fully and successfully deliver the Level 1 program 6-8 March followed by a Level 2 program 13-15 March, both in Mexico City, Mexico.

Level 1 Introduction CDMX

Thankfully, with the assistance of program organizer and ICP Apprentice Examiner Sofi Carreras, program host Moises Chayo and Rollerblade Mexico  as well as candidates from Mexico City, Cancun, Monterray and Villahermosa, we had two courses filled with talented and passionate instructors. While the rest of the world was making arrangements to "self quarentine" and "shelter in place" we went about conducting the programs as we have done so many, many times before.

That said, it was very surreal knowing, by following Facebook posts and through daily communication with friends and family, that most of Europe and the US were joining Asia and beginning to shut down restaurants, air travel, borders, etc. while Mexico was still operating as "business as usual." We chose to suspend our disbelief a while longer and enjoyed every minute of learning, laughing and loving all things skating and teaching.

Peer Teaching Feedback

Level 1 Full Group CDMX

On the conclusion of the Level 1 program on March 8th, Sofi and I made plans for a quick trip to Cancun, aka paradise!

In Cancun, Sofi manages Infinite Skate Shop for Rollerblade Mexico Distributor and ICP Instructor Moise Chayo. Being away from the busy skate shop two weekends in a row wasn't easy, so having the opportunity to check in with staff and take care of orders, payroll, etc. was welcomed by Sofi.

 For me, on the other hand, it was an amazing opportunity to spend some time in the warmth, sunshine and experience a little "island life",  which was the exact opposite of the freezing temperatures in Cleveland, Ohio, USA. 

Kris & Sofi Infinite Shop Cancun

When Sofi wasn't at the skate shop she managed to spend some time with me at the pool, an afternoon trip to Isla Mejeres, or take me to a neighboring city like Playa del Carmen for dinner. We made the most of our time in the warmth, sun, and skate shop before heading back to the the hustle and bustle of Mexico City AND the reality that Mexico would eventually catch up with the rest of the world and close down as well.

Playa Del Carmen Sofi & Kris

With a surge in last minute registrations, ICP Examiner Natalia Santamaria (Spain) was asked to join the Level 2 program. With less than 3 days to make preparations for her own skaters, arrange lessons for students in her English language tutoring business, as well as tell her family she was leaving Spain on the brink of a national crisis, Natalia booked her flight and made it to Mexico City to lead the Level 2 program!

Hands down, Natalia is one of the most dedicated ICP Team members.

Group Instruction L2 CDMX

Her presence was very much appreciated as it allowed Sofi to let go of her role as translator and to fully partipate as a Level 2 Candidate. It also gave me the opportunity to step back into a a supporting role which I truly appreciated as it does not happen often. Not leading the program gave me the opportunity to be a "fly on the wall" at times and to be able to see the program more objectively and as the candidates might see it. It was also good for the candidates to be able to converse freely with Natalia asking questions, etc. and receive the information without the interuption of translation. 

Señor Taco Level 2 Theory

Knowing that extreme preparations were being made outside of Mexico to deal with the global pandemic, we all continued to remain in our little bubble through the end of the ICP Level 2 and revealed in the camaraderie, new freindships and shared experiences that are such a magical part of ICP programs.

CDMX Sign 2020

Given what was going on world-wide due to the rapid spread of the corona virus, It was fortunate that Natalia was able to make it out of Spain at all to join us on March 13th for the Level 2.  Looking back, I cannot believe this program did not have to be canceled or postponed like so many other events around the world had already been.

Moi's Balcony

By the time Natalia and I made it to the Mexico City airport on Monday morning March 16th, both Europe and the US were perparing to shut down with air travel slowing and borders beginning to close. With good fortune we both made it out of Mexico and back home just in time and without any problems.

Truly unbelievable that all went well given this unbelievable time in the world. 

Thank you to all the Level 1 & Level 2 candidates for believing in the ICP as a platform for your personal and professional growth. You are a talented and dedicated group doing great things for skating throughout Mexico!

A huge thank you to Sofi Carreras for all your hard work before, during and after the programs to ensure that all ran smoothly. Without your efforts to promote and your willingness to organize, these programs would not have happened.

To Natalia Santamaria for dropping everything to make your way to Mexico City to make this program a richer experience for everyone.

To Moises Chayo and Rollerblade Mexico for your generosity in hosting the programs two years in a row and for your dedication in promoting skating and skating instruction in Mexico. In addition, thank for your hospitatlity (Thank you Dulce! xo) and for inviting us into your home two weekends in a row, not to mention the surprise tickets to see Billy Joel in Mexico City. And you thought I might not like Billy Joel! ;-)

Billy Joel CDMX

Wishing all  friends and instructors in Mexico and around the world safety and good health as we weather this crisis together.


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