
It All Started With A Christmas Present

instructors Aug 21, 2022

Meet David, an ICP Instructor whose childhood passion has opened doors.

Tell us a little about yourself and how you got introduced to the world of skating.

"I usually go by Dave although I respond to most eye contact and/or intent :) I got my first skates for Christmas when I was about eleven years old. Little did I know this was the start of a new passion. However, as adult life set in, skating took a back seat. The silver lining of the worldwide lockdowns meant I was able to focus a bit more on my hobby. Inline skating once again became a huge part of my life and thanks to the internet I was able to refresh my skills, which finally lead to teaching others myself. This is what lead me to sign up for the ICP level 1 course."

What are your thoughts on the course:

"I found ICP to be a very good fit for how I wanted to teach with an emphasis on both fun and safety to provide a better environment in which to learn. I feel privileged to be able to share my passion with those I teach and the ICP has given me this opportunity. I am grateful to the ICP examiners for their time and dedication and for providing a clear methodology that I can use in future lessons."

What have you got planned for the future?

"For now, I am teaching here in California at Sunshine Inline Skating School, but in the future, who knows perhaps I will start my own. Watch this space!"

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