
India ICP Team Member Gets Married, Skating Industry Shows Support

Mar 19, 2015
By ICP Director Kristine Fondran
Jatin Sanghavi's Wedding Mumbai-Gathering of Coachs

Skating instructors from around the Maharashtra region in India as well as skating association leaders and inline industry executives from around India and the Middle East gathered to celebrate the marriage of ICP Instructor and Apprentice Examiner Jatin Sanghavi at the MCA Cricket club in Mumbai, India.

The wedding was celebrated in the Jain tradition with much time dedicated to rituals and chanting to ensure the couple will be blessed as they enter into their new life together.    The ceremony was followed by a delicious array of traditional Indian dishes and international offerings that kept everyone satiated.

The wedding proved to be  a wonderful opportunity for skating coaches fom around the region to gather in a "non-competitive" capacity to share in a colleagues good fortune.  It was a lovely evening filled with much fun, food and fellowship throughout.

It is exciting to see the awareness and interest in ICP grow so quickly around the Maharashtra since the first program in 2013.  With each visit there are new faces who express interest in being involved with the ICP and see value in the programs ability to positively influence the developent of quality instruction world-wide. 

Thank you Jatin & Sweta for bringing us all together to witness your love and to further bond through our love for skating.  A special welcome to Sweta as you are now officially a part of the ICP world family! 


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