Freezing Temperatures No Match for Motivated Washington, DC Group
Apr 24, 2016By ICP/NSP Examiner Krista Schreffler, USA
Dedication. Flexibility. Endurance. These are some words to describe the group of National Skate Patrol Certification and ICP Level 1 Candidates during the weekend of April 9th in Washington, DC
We originally intended to have a National Skate Patrol (NSP) Certification on April 9th to prepare patrollers for the Washington Area Roadskaters Inaugural Skate on April 10th. We purposely planned the program in April because the weather was more likely to be warm and sunny (of course) and it would be just in time to have patrollers on the first street skate of the season! Our covered outdoor location was perfect to spend a Saturdayafternoon preparing to become NSP Certified.
As luck would have it, in addition to the 15 candidates from the local club for the NSP certification, we had 4 potential candidates currently in the DC Area who showed interest in earning their ICP Level 1 Certification. As the ICP and NSP are sister organizations orignally developed by the former International Inline Skating Association (IISA), it was a perfect opportunity to blend the two programs. Kris Fondran, the ICP Director, was available to come to Washington, DC that weekend so the plans were set for a great weekend of skating and teaching.

Mother Nature put everyone to the test and brought freezing temperatures and even snow! Snow! Luckily, a local restaurant and DC skating community supporter, Teaism, allowed the ICP Level 1 program to meet in the restaurant at 8:00 AM (before opening to the public) so that the theory portion of the program could be covered indoors. The group, including 2 African skaters and 2 skaters from the local DC Inner City Excellence program (DC-ICE), then moved outside to spend time on skates.

We all then went back to Teaism to join the NSP Certification and have lunch. Again, we were able to complete the off skates portion of the program inside with the expanded group before heading back outside to put on our skates. Everyone kept moving to stay warn as the candidates practiced their skating skills and teaching. Everyone finished Saturday with new NSP and Rollerblde T-shirts (Thank you Rollerblade!) and a greater appreciation of the teaching model.

Sunday had a full agenda. The ICP Candidates met in the morning to complete their on-skates testing of skating skills and practicals before meeting up with the Washington Area Roadskates to participate in the inaugural skate. It was certainly an invigorating break from testing to skate among the monuments and sights of Washington, DC in the middle of their program! After a lunch meeting, we finished up the Level 1 program. Needless to say, everyone slept well that night.

Congratulations to all of the NSP Certified Patrollers and the ICP Level 1 Candidates. We will soon be adding Level 1 Certified instructors from Nigeria, Ghana and Washington, DC to the ICP family!
