
Dedicated Coaches Complete Level 1-Pune, India

Apr 04, 2016

By ICP Examiner Ajay Shivlani, India

Pune Group at Night or Morning

It was 4 am and we still had the enthusiasm of 12 year olds! After the grueling task of mastering the Level 1 and Level 2 skating skills, we were ready to look into the theory of teaching again.

That Rajasthan, Gujarat and Maharashtra (3 different states of India) are coming under one roof gives true meaning to teaching and learning. We had 6 established skating instructors from India prove their mettle by taking the challenge to put their instructional and skating skills on the line in front of their peers. This willingness to "put themselves out there" in an extremely competive and proprietary skating environment such as India, is evidence of their passion, professionalism and dedication to evolve and grow the sport of skating throughout India and beyond.

Pune Introduction

The sheer excitement of re-discovering oneself as a skating teacher, re-learning the who, what, why where, what and how was palpable.  All instructors came with open minds and hearts and were willing to share what they know and all were ready to learn something new about themselves and teaching skating. 

The ICP Level 1 was held at LAZERXTECH track in Pune, India from 25th to 27th March 2016. The scorching dry heat of Pune pushed the outdoor practical learning to late evening hours which extended late into the night, and on one evening with early morning learning taking place near dawn! It truly was an amazing three days of sharing, caring and learning.

Thank you ICP for bringing out the best in the best.

Pune Large Group


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