
Certification, Snowskates & More in Singapore!

Jul 21, 2016

SG Full Group July 2016

By Apprentice Examiner James O'Connor, Australia 

Inline Skating instructors, examiners and apprentice examiners from Australia, China, Hong Kong, India, Indonesia and Spain travelled to Singapore for an action packed week in July of professional development, snowskating, inline skating courses (Levels 1 and 2) and Fitness training on skates! 

ICP Course Director Kris Fondran was on hand together with seasoned professional Examiners (and speed skating legends) Dave Cooper and Gordon Sanders. Level 1 ICP course participants performed extremely well in the written component on the course and successfully completed the ICP Level 1 teaching & skating skills components. The Apprentice Examiners for the Level 1 Course were Eric Chay & Steven Ismail (Singapore) and James O'Connor (Australia). Singapore's Vivian Lim greatly assisted with venues, coordination and pizza!  Level 2 Examiners Kris Fondran and Mike Tang were assisted by Examiners Natalia Santamaria (Spain)  and Ajay Shivlani (India). 

Level 2 Singapore July 2016

The Level 1 and Level 2 courses were concluded successfully and our instructors trained to a high standard. Well done to all Level 1 & 2 instructor candidates!

Professional Development included Skate Fitness training by Kris Fondran & Gordon Sanders plus the SledDogs SnowSkates Ambassador Program which was conducted at Snow City by Dave Cooper & Kris Fondran. Snowskating is an exciting new sport and very easy to learn! A special thanks to Dave Cooper for the providing the excellent K9 SledDogs Snowskates from www.SledDogsUSA.com 

Snowskates Snow City SG

In addition to the above, Dave Cooper also conducted a two hour Professional Development Workshop for Certified Instructors wishing to maintain their certification professional development requirements. The workshop included information on improving presentation skills as well as suggestions on how to give constructive feedback and illicit positive responses from students.

Level 1 SG July 2016

It certainly was an education packed week in Sinagpore and I'm looking forward to being a part of more excellent programming on the pavement AND the snow!  

Stay tuned for more skating and professional development opportunities coming to the Asia Pacific region in 2016-2017!  

ICP World-wide Family


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