Becoming an Apprentice Examiner (AE)
The Apprentice Examiner Program (AE) is a four-stage process (Invitation/Tryout, AE1, AE2, AE3) in which the Inline Certification Program (ICP) appoints ICP Examiners. Candidates apply to the program in one of the following ways:
- Send in a resume and letter of recommendation.
- Send in a resume based on the recommendation of a current ICP Examiner who has had the instructor in their program.
- Invitation directly from the ICP Office.
Applications will be reviewed and potential Apprentice Examiners (AE’s) will be notified to tryout (when applicable) or invited to enter training. Admission into the training program is based on tryout results, resume, letter of recommendation, and regional needs of the ICP. Before training begins, Apprentice Examiners must pay in full the Apprentice Examiner Training Fee.*
AE Tryouts
When applicable, tryouts will be held for potential AE’s at an announced location and date. Tryouts will consist of a written essay and a skating skills and teaching evaluation. Selected candidates will enter AE Training.

AE Training
Once the candidates enter training, they begin the process of achieving AE1, AE2 & AE3.
- AE1 consists of observing and team teaching. If successful, the AE goes to AE2. If Apprentice Examiner is unsuccessful, he/she may repeat AE1 one time with a minimum lapse of 6 months between attempts.
- AE2 consists of teaching a group while being observed. If unsuccessful the AE must repeat Phase 1 (AE1) before attempting the AE2 again. Only one repeat is allowed.
- AE3 After successfully completing AE1 & AE2, the Apprentice Examiner must fully organize all aspects of a host program including; location, local advertising, collecting funds, hiring additional examiners if needed, operational aspects of program, remittance of program report and funds to ICP Office, etc. The ICP Office as well as local Examiner (where available) will provide guidance.
- All AE’s interested in examining at Level 1 AND Level 2 will need to apprentice at one (1) Level 2 program in addition to AE1-3. If no Level 2 program is available locally, the Apprentice Examiner can organize an additional program inviting a qualified Level 2 or Level 3 examiner to examine. Apprentice Examiner can also travel to an already scheduled program where he/she will assist and be evaluated.
- At the discretion of the ICP Office and based on AE teaching/examining experience, skating ability, professional background and regional needs of the program, that it is possible that AE may be appointed as both Level 1 and Level 2 after completion of only AE1, AE2 & AE3.
- Level 3 Examiners appointments are done by the ICP Office and are based on experience and credibility as an examiner, instructor and skater.
- All final Examiner appointments are at the discretion of the ICP Office.
- Candidates are responsible for their own expenses to the AE tryouts and training.
- Training locations must be approved by the ICP Office 1 month in advance.
- All AE’s must be Level 3 certified before they can be booked as a full ICP Examiner. However, depending on availability of Level 3 program or regional needs of the ICP, Level 3 may be obtained AFTER completion of Apprentice Examiner Program at the discretion of the ICP Office.
- Apprentice Examiner training must be completed in two (2) calendar years
- AE’s are not guaranteed an Examiner position.
*Once accepted into training, an invoice for $550 will be sent.